- Kaizha Village Fraternal Health Station, Kaizha Town, Wenshui
- Release time£º 2018-1-25¡¡clicks£º11148¡¡
Kaizha Village is located on the highland & mountain area, 10 km away from Wenshui County, with 2,248 families & 8,837 villagers. The cropland resource is very limited, with personal cropland area of 0.2 acre.
There were only 2 doctors & 1 nurse in the original healthy center, with two working rooms. The center house was built in 1990s, with only 50 m2 of area, old facility, simple medical condition, very inconvenient for villagers. The new healthy center is in the central of the village, with concrete mixture structure, with an area of 99©O, building area 82©O. The healthy center was completed in May, 2016 & have put in use.
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