- Wafangtai Village Fraternal Health Station, Chatou Town,
- Release time£º 2018-1-25¡¡clicks£º9630¡¡
Wafangtai Village is located in the northwest mountain area, Lingshou County, at the cross point of Fuping County & Xingtang County, 15 km away from town governmental area, governing 13 natural villages, with 976 villagers lived separately, with bad communication conditions. The village area is 604 acres, main planting wheat & corn, the economical food persimmon, Sichuan Pepper, Chestnut, with annual income of 1366 Yuan.
Wafangtai Village health center is 20 km away from Township Health Center, serving a population of 1,600 people, bearing public hygiene, medical prevention & treatment, & health care work. The healthy station was completed & put in use in 2014.
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